
Japan Family Trip : Day 1 ( Tokyo )

by - Monday, July 23, 2012

Hi there everyone.
Today I am going to take you on a trip.
A trip to Japan!! yay! ^-^

I went there only for one week that was from 7th of February 2012 until 14th of February 2012.
I just want to share the pictures that I took there here on my blog.
At least the next time you go to Japan,you know which place to visit.
My family and I didn't visit much place there, just some.
but still it was awesome!!
I was glad that we got to go on a trip like this.
It's been so long since we spend much time together.
So having these memories together is actually one of the best thing in my life.
and lucky for us because it was winter season that time.
so yeah, if you are wondering why I wore the same clothes all day.
it was because I had to wear the winter clothes because the weather was seriously cold there. 

Oh ya, sorry if the pictures looked like I was traveling alone.
It is just that my family don't like their pictures to be uploaded online.
Even all their facebook accounts are really private.
Its for safety measure.
Don't you know? Facebok is dangerous!
Hihi,anyway..enjoy the photos.
my little brother took almost all the pictures there.
so yes, he's a great photographer.
bagi kredit sikit. heheh
7th & 8th February 2012
Day 1 in Japan :

  • The Flight to Japan.
  • Visiting and stayed at my sister house in Hiyoshi,Yokohama.
  • Visiting the Tokyo Metropolis.
  • Cross the Shibuya Crossing.
  • Visiting The Tokyo Tower.
My flight ticket to Haneda Airport.

Eating pizza before going on board.

Boarding time

Arrived at Haneda Airport and this was at Japan Train Station.

 Believe it or not, we all walked and took the trains to arrive at my sister's house.
We arrive safely and that early morning my little brother and my brother-in-law
went to take some pictures around the house. 
The environment were really different from Malaysia.

Now we are on the way to the train station.
to get to Tokyo,Japan.

 On the way to the train station, we came across a kid who was on the way to school.
he was wearing a uniform!! cute right?
it reminds me of nobita & daisuke or something.

Lastly we got to Tokyo.
The picture below was actually taken from a building.
So that we can see the Shibuya Crossing clearer.

Shibuya Crossing

A picture is a must!

Right then we were going to cross the Shibuya Crossing.

Walking around Tokyo, Japan.

There were a lot of buildings & people walking here.


We then stopped at I think a very famous place.
Since a lot of celebrities went there.
It was an instant photobooth.
We took a family picture there.
Celebrity's signatures

After that we went to eat at a restaurant.
Since I don't read Japanese, I don't really know the name of the japanese dishes.
but I know that all of them were halal to eat.
Because my sister was there!
So she had to be the 'Halal Officer' for us.

Soyu and Black Pepper.

I think it was prawn.

I ordered these. Yakizakana (grilled fish) with rice.

yang ni macam Ikan Goreng Tepung je. ehem2.

sorry, tapi yang ni saya memamg tak tahu nama dia apa. hoho


There were ads everywhere.

Even though we were travelling, solat tidak boleh ditinggalkan.

The design in one of the train station. The painting look a little like anime 'Bleach' to me.

Arrived at Tokyo Tower!
 We went to Tokyo Tower and bought Japanese Crepes.
I'm not sure the name of the crepes sold there but in Malaysia

Buying Japenese Crepes.

 The above picture were taken outside Tokyo Tower.
I posted one of the picture at Syafiq's Facebook Wall.
It was seriously cold at that time.
and look at my writing!! huduh~~
haha,it was so cold that my hands berketar-ketar masa tulis kat atas IPad tu.
IPad tu pun sejuk gila.It was made from steel.
so faham-faham la bila besi sejuk tu, sejuk dia macam mana kan?
tengok..sampai mata smiley face tu pun dah besar sebelah.
huhu,instead of being cute.
I looked like I was about to kill someone.

Brochure and ticket from a visit to the Tokyo Tower.

Tokyo City view from above the ground.

Shinto Shrine

Tokyo Tower Gift Shop
Kaki tu bukan kaki saya yep. Just nak bagi tahu. hoho

 There were two "look down windows" that allow visitors to stand over a small clear window and look to the ground 145 m below. Source Wikipedia.

The city view during night time.

It's snowing! ^-^

I managed to crave Syafiq's initial there.
tak perlu bagi tahu pun kan sebenarnya?
tapi nak bagi tahu juga! hihi

I will update the other days in Japan soon enough before you know it.
Till then people.
Thank you for reading.

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  1. Great vacation.. ha?? oh who's S he he he... btw.. Japan is one of my dream holidays trip :P (but at 2nd tot, it's too expensive and can't effort to be there ha ha ha)...

    love the foods.. yummy... >.<

    1. yup,it's very expensive. plus you have to speak full japanese there because they don't understand english at all.
      agree,the food there are awesome but I think I prefer masakan Malaysia lagi kot.hihi

  2. aww what a nice city.. untung la awak p japan. sy asal dari japan (PERASAN) hehe ..

  3. dah lama teringin nak pegi jepun. :(

    1. alala..jgn la buat muka cdey kawan kte sorang ni. meh sni meh..ilya pujuk. :P

  4. untung lah ..

    nice pictures too!

    tunggu update kamu yg terbaru =)

  5. bestnye ley gy tengok negara org...winter lak tu..merasa gak salji yer hehe

  6. waaa, love japan so much :D

  7. salam..
    hai nurul!!
    tq singgah blog sha =)

    erkk..gayatnya kalau lantai boleh nampak bawah !!!

  8. Teringin nak pergi jepun, overall mahal tak perbelanjaan kat sana?

  9. arham : yeap! not to deny it is very expensive. we were very lucky that we have someone that we know we could rely on to for the accomodation, and language. So we have cut cost there.Even though yes Air asia doing all the sale to go there but it is only cheap for the flight going and back.i suggest if you really want to go with friends, then can try backpacking. but really study and google all the location you want to visit 1st and the travelling program, because the timing for public transport in japan is superbly sharp,the people there always walk 3 times faster than we malaysia do,most of the train stop name is almost similar(for a 1st timer like us @_@) so you may want to be extra alert for the train coming and going. if you can try looking at japan website for tourism they will give u alots of info and handbook on their trains, places of interest and many more. And there are also a lots of free entry places that you can visit.For us the most expensive is on the food. I remember every day buying prawn tempura there which cost RM20 per piece. Sebab nak makan terpaksa beli..then sampai malaysia beli sebungkus udang masak sendri laju laju! puas hati! hahahah..but overall it was a great place to visit if you planned well..^_~

  10. Hi, saya Sharina dari Singapura! I happened to come upon your blog while researchin for my Tokyo trip. Very informative indeed, your pictures and captions... :) Saya cume nak tumpang tanye, about tempat-tempat makan yang halal, the ones that you posted. What are the names of the eateries and where are these places? So that i can bring my family to these places without feeling so doubtful. =D

    1. Hai. :) Oh, actually my sister can read japanese, so she usually take a look at the ingredients first before giving approval of what we are able to eat. From the ingredients she checked whether it is made out of pork or wine. If it does, she would not allowed us to eat it. My sister said you have to tawakkal juga. because you cannot be 100% sure it is halal in other non-islamic country. But at least you try your best being a muslim by asking if it contain any pork or wine in the food. Food recommendation : HottoMotto is nice.You can google it. Other than that, we just ate at a normal sushi or udon restaurant.
